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I offer a comprehensive repair service on all instruments within the woodwind family. I am happy to take on jobs of any size, from replacing individual pads or small pieces of cork, to full repads and overhauls.

I do not currently publish a price list as I feel it's almost impossible to provide an accurate cost without seeing the individual instrument, however I offer very competitive rates and am more than happy to look over any instrument at no cost, and to provide a quote for any work that may need doing.

As a rule of thumb it is generally advisable to have your instrument checked over / serviced at least once every two years to maintain good playing order, and to prevent the need for emergency repairs / last minute panic the day before a concert or exam!

Please see below for an idea of services offered.


Instrument stripped of all key-work.
Body cleaned and oiled / polished.
Key-work cleaned and oiled.
Pads checked, cleaned, and replaced as necessary (charge per new pad).
Missing / damaged corks replaced as necessary.
Up to two springs and tenon corks replaced.
Keywork checked for excessive wear.
Instrument reassembled, regulated and vented.
Instrument test played


As a full service, but in addition:

All existing pads removed and replaced with new premium pads.
All corks replaced.
Any excessive wear in keys removed.
Small dents removed.


I undertake general repairs of any size, including (but not limited to):
- Flute tenon adjustments
- Tenon cork replacements
- Replacing missing pads / corks
- Repairing snapped keys
- Replacing broken / lost springs

- General soldering 

If you have a specific issue you need addressing please give me a call / drop me an email to discuss your requirements.

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